Signed with Smith & Hervey/Grimes Agency

I’m so excited to be signed theatrically and commercially with Julie Smith at Smith & Hervey/Grimes. I’m humbled to be represented by someone as skilled and committed as Julie.

Here is more information from their website about the history of Smith & Hervey/Grimes:

“Smith & Hervey/Grimes was founded by Marsha Hervey & Pam Grimes, originally the Hervey/Grimes Talent Agency & SAG franchised in 1991. Marsha and Pam were both personal managers before becoming agents. Julie Smith now heads the agency and is well respected in the industry. Julie is known for representing top-notch talent and maintaining close, working relationships with her clients. Smith & Hervey/Grimes, considered a boutique Talent Agency, is for ‘working actors’.”

For more information, you can visit their website:

Here’s contact information:

Julie Smith

3002 Midvale Avenue #206

Los Angeles CA, 90034

(310) 475-2010

Julie Smith (Theatrical/Commercial Agent) 

Evan Rogerson (Assistant) Email: [email protected]

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