I’ve always been interested in sayings and many years ago started making a list of common phrases like, “You’re ruffling my feathers.” So, I looked it up and read that an idiom/saying is a short well-known expression — a pithy remark of wisdom and truth or general advice.
So without further adieu, here’s my list of 280 pithy remarks. Let me know what you think! If you have a saying to add or, if, in your view, those listed below need to be amended, send me an email at [email protected]. Take a look,
Go ahead and read; stop and smell the roses…
1. You’re ruffling my feathers
2. Water under the bridge
3. It’s water off a duck’s back
4. Early bird gets the worm
5. I wear my heart on my sleeve
6. Penny saved is a penny earned
7. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
8. You’re rubbing me the wrong way
9. Best thing since sliced bread
10. It’s a double-edged sword
11. It’s not over until the fat lady sings
12. Go big or go home
13. Six of one, half a dozen of the other
14. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
15. He cried “Crocodile tears”
16. Fake it until you make it
17. Don’t judge a book by its cover
18. You never know until you try
19. Home is where the heart is
20. Two is a gathering, three is a party
21. It’s the luck of the draw
22. That’s my stomping ground
23. Cool your jets
24.Take a chill pill
25. I’m on cloud nine
26. All’s fair in love and war
27. Squeaky wheel gets the grease
28. All hat and no cattle
29. Butter my buns and call me a biscuit
30. I’ve just scratched the surface
31. It’s raining cats and dogs
32. It’s like capturing lightning in a bottle
33. Fresh out of the gate
34. Know when to hold them, know when to fold them
35. I’m all in
36. Take it or leave it
37. Where there’s a will there’s a way
38. Winner winner chicken dinner
39. It’s right up my ally
40. Never know until you try
41. You’re on a death march
42. Your skating on thin ice
43. Don’t take any wooden nickels
44. They’ve seen better days
45. Up and at ’em
46. It’s a racket
47. In a pinch
48. I plead the 5th
49. The pot calling the kettle black
50. A watched pot never boils
51. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
52. What goes around comes around
53. Par for the course
54. War is hell
55. It’s not in the cards for you
56. My bad
57. It’s 5 o’clock somewhere
58. You hit pay dirt
59. You hit the jackpot
60. Get them while they’re hot
61. It all works out in the end
62. It all comes out in the wash
63. The whole nine yards
64. The high tide raises all boats
65. It takes two to tango
66. Fit to be tied
67. It’s now or never
68. Never say die
69. Dive in
70. Great minds think alike
71. Two heads are better than one
72. Let bygones be bygones
73. Live in let live
74. Everything’s big in Texas
75. Get your act together
76. Break a leg
77. A man of few words
78. He wears many hats
79. Two wrongs don’t make a right
80. Killed two birds with one stone
81. Stitch in time saved nine
82. If you marry for money, you’ll end up earning every penny
83. Money can’t buy you love
84. Heard it through the grapevine
85. Get your head in the game
86. Not on my watch
87. Bet your bottom dollar
88. You’ll never hear the end of it
89. Does that float your boat
90. Throw Down the gauntlet
91. Draw a line in the sand
92. That’s where I draw the line
93. Stop and smell the roses
94. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out
95. That’s a recipe for disaster
96. Put that in your pipe and smoke it
97. Let’s blow this Popsicle stand
98. Famous last words
99. Two tacos short of a combination platter
100. Not the sharpest tool in the shed
101. Not the brightest star in the sky
102. Chock-full of it
103. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink
104. The apple doesn’t fall far from a tree
105. Chip off the old block
106. Get back in the ring
107. You’ve been put thought the ringer
108. Pull your self up by your bootstraps
109. Walk a mile in someone’s shoes
110. You don’t know the half of it
111. Don’t let a black cat cross your path
112. Can’t have your cake and eat it too
113. Cat got your tongue
114. Take a trip to crazy town
115. No matter where you go, there you are
116. Bite your tongue
117. That’s a slice of life
118. Cheaters never prosper
119. Look at the glass half full
120. When one door closes another door opens
121. Necessity is the mother of invention
122. When God closes a door he opens a window somewhere
123. He had me in stitches
124. Stick to your guns
125. We’re on the home stretch
126. I’m standing my ground
127. I’m putting my best put forward
128. Hate to be the bad new bear
129. You can’t go wrong
130. It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt
131. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
132.Slice of life
133. The writings on the wall
134. Beating a dead horse
135. There’s a bun in the oven
136. That’s the cherry on top
137. The frosting on the cake
138. Like a fat kid in a candy shop
139. You dodged the bullet
140. Bull in a china shop
141. Until the cows come home
142. You can’t put a square peg in a round hole
143. Dead as a doornail
144. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
145. Circle the wagons
146. Aim for the moon, even if you miss you’ll land among the stars
147. Mother knows best
148. Too many cooks in the kitchen
149. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians
150. Save the best for last*
151. Your barking up the wrong tree
152. Don’t shoot the messenger
153. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar
154. Don’t toot your own horn
155. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it
156. All hands on deck
157. He is chasing his own tail
158. He knows where the bones are buried
159. If this vans a-rockin’ don’t bother nocking
160. She’s got a bee in her bonnet
161. Don’t get you panties in a wad
162. Up a creek without a paddle
163. It’s never too late to try
164. Count your blessings
165. It’s neither here nor there
166. Putting salt in the wound
167. There are other fish in the sea
168. Meet me halfway
169. That’s not in my wheelhouse
170. Fits like a glove
171. Think outside the box
172. The suspense is killing me
173. An eye for an eye
174. Turn the other cheek
175. I’m living on the edge
176. It’s a stone’s throw away
177. Where’s the fire
178. So far so good
179. Going buck-naked
180. Balls to the wall
181. Circling back
182. This doesn’t add up
183. More often than not
184. Money doesn’t sleep
185. Few and far between
186. Jumping on the bandwagon
187. Words of wisdom
188. It’s within your reach
189. Keep me in the loop
190. I’ve crossed the Rubicon
191. Rats a million
192. Fit as a fiddle
193. He’s got my goat
194. Shut the front door
195. Sharp as a tack
196. Speak of the devil
197. The cat’s meow
198. Skeletons in the closet
199. Ships that pass in the night
200. Mind your p’s and q’s
201. Mad as a hatter
202. At 6s 7s
203. Horse a different color
204. Shoes on a different foot
205. Birds of a feather
206. The lions share
207. Any port in the storm
208. Long in the tooth
209. Wet behind the ears
210. Hide ones light behind a bushel
211. Cut off your nose to spite your face
212. Throw the baby out with the bathwater
213. That blew my mind
214. This is how I roll
215. Look what the cat drug in
216. That’s a taste of her own medicine
217. When pigs fly
218. Catch you on the flip side
219. Don’t bust my chops
220. Don’t end on a bad note
221. Cross your T’s and dot your I’s
222. March to the beat of your own drum
223. If I told you I’d have to kill you
224. Roll with the punches
225. Running on empty
226. Left a sour taste in my mouth
227. I’m on tenterhooks
228. It’s not rocket science
229. I’m on pins and needles
230. I can’t wait until I’m not a metal mouth anymore!
231. Take it with a grain of salt.
232. I feel under the weather
233. Just a penny for your thoughts
234. That was the last straw!
235. I’m also on the horns of a dilemma
236. Why you just sittin’ there like a bump on a log?
237. You’re going down
238. For the love of Pete
239. Fiddlesticks
240. You got my back
241. Gravy train
242. Heart of gold
243. Burn a hole in your pocket
244. Chicken feed
245. Bring home the bacon
246. Pour money down the drain
247. Penny pincher
248. In the red, in the black
249. An arm and a leg
250. Cold, hard cash
251. Take to the cleaners
252. Fat city
253. Living on a shoestring
254. Cutting the cheese
255. Goes with the territory
256. Package deal
257. None the less
258. Don’t cry over spilled milk
259. Shut your pie hole
260. The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line
261. See ya on the flip side
262. You hit the target
263. That ship has sailed
264. Nothing draws a crowd like a crowd.
265. Rattle them off
266. Whatever flips your skirt/floats your boat
267. Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick
268. Call a spade a spade
269. Playing to the lowest common denominator
270. You’re earning stars in your crown
271. You could sell blisters to a track team
272. I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck
273. Don’t knock it till you try it
274. Love drunk
275. I have to pee like a racehorse
276. I’m an open book
272. Don’t put crumbs in my butter
273. Gag me with a pitchfork
274. There’s not enough room to swing a cat
280. You’re dipping into the kool-aid and you don’t know the flavor