Hilarious Comments on Reel With 2.5 Million Views

Los Angeles, CA. Thank you to the 2.5 million people on Instagram who checked out my recent post. It was inspired by a 4-year-old that I nanny. This was our actual dialogue.

The comments were the best! Here’s a sample:

“My favorite version of this was when my 6 year old nanny kid decided the only cure for me was…an autopsy.”

“nobody’s talking about how she opened with “what’s wrong with you” 😭”

“I was told my eyes were still growing and that I needed to dance to fix my broken leg (0/10 don’t recomened 3yo doctor)”

“This is why I suggest getting a second opinion. Say, from a 5 year old, they’re just more advanced.”

“I was once diagnosed with “bugs in my hand”. My three year old doctor used a magnifying glass without a lens to diagnose me.”

“They don’t tell you the hardest part of residency is spelling your name backwards.”

“What a horrible condition. All your blood is in your knee. Thoughts and prayers 👏”

“Wait til she finds out about leeches.”

I appreciate the creativity!

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